Christians Need to Vote Now Before that Right is Taken Away from Them

The scope of our nation’s moral decay extends far beyond the federal government, where eighteen-year-old girls stream on Only Fans, children’s school libraries contain porn (and parents are banned from campuses for asking for porn book removal), toddlers are raped at malls and Christian worldview is both ridiculed and silenced by mass media.   

WASHINGTON D.C.– Evangelical Christian voters threaten leftist philosophies because they believe that authority comes from God, rather than from government. Super Tuesday is approaching, and this demographic of voters will likely decide the results of the 2024 Republican presidential primary elections.

Recent ABC News exit polls revealed this statistical fact. 

In the Iowa Republican primaries, of which Trump won the Republican nomination, more than half of the caucus goers self-described as evangelical Christians. This number made up 53% of Trump’s total. 

For comparison, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis earned 27% of the evangelical vote, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley earned 13%, and Vivek Ramaswamy won 7%.

Furthermore, in South Carolina’s Republican primaries, of which Trump won the nomination by a landslide, two-thirds of the caucus goers self-described as evangelical Christians. This number represented 71% of Trump’s winning total, and only 29% of Haley’s voters.

Haley served as the governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017, and she was wildly popular among her constituents during her years in office. However, she failed to win the support of her state, who felt she “abandoned them for national politics.” 

Historically, political analysts train a keen eye on South Carolina’s primary elections. Since 1980, the victor of this crucial state’s Republican presidential primary nomination has proceeded to become the nation’s GOP nominee, with only one exception. 

Trump’s victory in South Carolina was sealed by a landslide. Evangelical Christians believe that Trump will fight for their causes harder and with more loyalty than Haley. 

Tuesday, March 5 is the next important date that Americans closely watch. Known as “Super Tuesday,” sixteen states will host their Republican primary elections, and nearly half of these states are in the South, and thus, deeply influenced by evangelical Christianity.

These states are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia.

The Washington Examiner anticipates this year’s Super Tuesday will be the “pinnacle of evangelical participation in the election season, from a structural standpoint.”

This will likely be the case, as nearly 90% of citizens in the South self-describe as believers in God. Come Tuesday, born-again Christian voters will, with near certainty, decide the GOP presidential nominee.

If Christian voters hold the cards, what issues drive them into the voting lines?

Abortion, support for Israel, border security, religious liberty, criminal justice reform and human trafficking, the Washington Examiner asserts. We agree.

And each of these issues have either been dismissed altogether or worsened under the Biden Administration. Christian worldview has systematically been persecuted under Biden’s reign. 

Here are a few bullet point examples, which by no means encompass even a fraction of the greater picture.

  • Last year, a transgender shooter “opened fire” at a Christian children’s school in Nashville, TN. Instead of expressing empathy for the children, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reminded us that transgender people, not Christian children, are the victims. 
  • This year, six peaceful, hymn-singing Christians were convicted as felons and could face 11 years in prison for merely praying outside of an abortion clinic.
  • Biden’s Justice Department refuses to investigate hate crimes committed against Catholic churches, “which have sustained a total of 398 violent attacks since 2020.”
  • In fact, Biden has enabled the FBI to pose as spies inside of Catholic churches and communities to determine whether the God-fearing are terrorists.
  • The Biden Administration views Catholics as the terrorists, while its open border policies have allowed violent rapists and murderers to pour into our nation.

These issues, really, are the tip of the iceberg. The scope of our nation’s moral decay extends far beyond the federal government, where eighteen-year-old girls stream on Only Fans, children’s school libraries contain porn (and parents are banned from campuses for asking for porn book removal), toddlers are raped at malls and Christian worldview is both ridiculed and silenced by mass media. 

Evil is creeping into the United States from within and from outside at every which angle. If we have any hope of saving our country, that hope is in evangelical Christian voters, whom we pray will continue to vote along with their God-fearing worldviews.

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