Houston City Councilwoman Letitia Plummer and Her Record of Failed Leadership

The most sinister strike against Plummer involves her adamant “Defund the Police” stance. Plummer has voted “yes” to both defunding the police and stopping federal funding for protective gear for police in our county. This isn’t a secret; she brags about these efforts on her campaign website.

HARRIS COUNTY, TX– Early voting began on Monday. If you haven’t carved out the opportunity to learn about the candidates for each governmental seat, then time is of the essence. Let’s examine a few first-term highlights from incumbent candidate Houston City Councilwoman Letitia Plummer (D-No. 4).

Plummer has constructed her campaign on the pillars of diversity and inclusion, yet her disappointing track record in City Council reveals that she does not protect the welfare of all Houstonians.

A paramount strike against Plummer was her failure to vote in the 2018 Harris County Flood bond. That year, following the devastations of Hurricane Harvey, Harris County voters approved a $2.5 billion bond to finance flood control projects in the Houston area. The bond included funding for channel improvements, new floodplain mapping and an improved early flood warning system.

Hurricane Harvey caused unprecedented damage in Texas, including a tally of 103 lives lost, hundreds of billions of dollars in damage, economic disaster and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people. Plummer’s disregard of this bond vote is shocking and indicative of her lack of interest in her community.

    Houston Mayoral Candidate Shelia Jackson Lee with Rodney Ellis

Another notable red flag against Plummer is that the councilwoman is proudly endorsed by radical leftists like Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis (D-Pct. 1), U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX CD 18) and Planned Parenthood Texas Votes PAC, among other hyper-liberal organizations.

Additionally, while voting “yes” to protecting Houstonians from another Hurricane Harvey wasn’t a priority, Plummer found the time to vote “Yes” to increasing property taxes in Harris County.

Houston City Councilwoman Letitia Plummer brags about defunding the police on her campaign website

Yet perhaps the most sinister strike against Plummer involves her adamant “Defund the Police” stance. Plummer has voted “yes” to both defunding the police and stopping federal funding for protective gear for police in our county. This isn’t a secret; she brags about these efforts on her campaign website.

Violent and non-violent crimes in Houston have skyrocketed to an all-time high, and Plummer believes now is the time to defund the police due to a sheerly emotional argument.

“My son was detained at age 14, so I’ve been thinking about this for a long time,” Plummer has said numerous times.

The councilwoman has pitched amendments for fund allocation toward a program designated for “mental health crises that would not require law enforcement” and “eliminating 199 vacant positions within the Houston Police Department,” all political jargon for defunding the police.

Unsurprisingly, Plummer is heavily supported by the “defund the police” movement. This, the movement points out, is not a slogan; it’s a demand.

 Katy Christian Magazine endorses Roy Morales for City Council

Houston City Councilwoman Letitia Plummer is opposed by Republican Roy Morales, retired Lt. Colonel of the U.S. Air Force, former Houston Emergency Center assistant director and Harris County school trustee. Katy Christian Magazine strongly supports and endorses Roy Morales for Houston City Council over Letitia Plummer.

Early voting in Texas is underway NOW. If you desire changes in our community, including safer streets, economic abundance and the return of essential God-abiding values, you must participate in this election.

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