Freedom In The Truth: Your Life Experiences Will Undo Many Assumptions

When I was a child, my mother used to tell me all kinds of stuff that sounded educated, and I trusted her – so as far as I knew, it was truth. However, as I’ve grown older, I’ve found that many of the things that she said were true because of her experiences were not necessarily true in everyone’s life. Because of that, I have had to adjust my thinking.

The stories were not earth-shattering, but in my childish mind, I believed that if my momma said it, then it was undoubtedly true.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. –John 8:32

One of the things she said was kind of a teasing thing.

Sometimes when toast got burnt, she had a ploy to get us/me to eat it anyway. “Eating burnt toast is good for you,” she said. “It will make you pretty.” Potato peels were just as beneficial. They were another one of nature’s remedies to help make us pretty.

I still eat burnt toast occasionally and peels from a baked or boiled potato. Whether it improved my looks or not, I’ll never know.

But I’d acquired a taste especially for the outer parts of a baked potato. I even stole them from my husband’s plate when we ate out.

How We Must Know Things For Ourselves To Finally Arrive At The Truth

I know there had to be other situations, but the one that convinced me that Mom didn’t always know what she was talking about was when my husband and I moved to Colorado and I became somewhat familiar with snow.

Really low-hanging wet clouds when the temperature was in the mid 30s caused Mom to predict snowfall.

“Those clouds have snow in them,” she said; and occasionally, she was right.

But now – since I’m in Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado – I’ve learned snowfall does not depend on a certain look in the clouds or even a temperature in the 30s. I’ve seen it snow with the sun shining or the clouds so far up in the sky that I never knew it was snowing unless I was in it or looking out a window.

I’ve seen snow in the teens and twenties. Once upon a time, I saw snow when there was a thunderstorm going in. Those happenings shot Mom’s theories all to pieces!

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. –2 Timothy 2:15

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Elizabeth Moreno

Elizabeth Dettling Moreno, AKA “Miss Liz,” is a retired Language Arts teacher who became a published author after retirement. Moreno, who has authored seven books, is the mother of four sons and one daughter, sixteen grandchildren, and several great grandchildren. After being a widow for two years, she married Randy Tolman in November of 2021 and moved to Camp Lost Pines in Warda, Texas. They have started a ministry together called “Life After Death Revivals.” For information on books or ministry, call 979-533-0216 or email