Discipleship Corner with Lori Joiner | Finding Someone to Disciple

Lori Joiner

Wanting to disciple a person but not knowing who to disciple can be a quandary for many Christ followers. They have the knowledge, the heart, and the time. But where is the person for them to pour into?

This does not have to be elusive. Below are some real examples from my life showing a variety of places I have met people to discipleship.

1) Gym Friend: I got to know a woman at my gym, as we had worked out in the same classes for years. After she told me about a particularly hard time in her life I said, “I was wondering if you would like to meet more regularly this spring to study the Bible together. I use the workbook Start Here; it has 6 foundational lessons, and I think you would be encouraged and learn more about a personal relationship with God.” We met weekly that spring, studied each lesson together, and prayed. She not only learned about God but also placed her faith in Jesus Christ as well.

2) Kids Activities: My boys were on a year-round swim team, and I got to know another mom as we would chat during practice times. As we began to talk about where we went to church and a bit about our spiritual journeys, she confided that she had placed her faith in Christ years before but had not been discipled. I knew in my heart she would greatly benefit from having a woman in her life helping to grow her faith in Christ. I said, “This fall I will be discipling two other ladies in my home each week for about an hour, and I would love for you to be a part.” She agreed to come and after a few weeks she said, “This group is exactly what I needed.”

3) School Friends: On the playground one day, my son invited his friend from school to church. So, I contacted his mom and asked if he could come. That Sunday not only did the boy attend our church, but his mom came as well. She decided to join our church and be baptized shortly thereafter. I said, “I would love to meet with you weekly to help you grow and deepen in your relationship with God. This summer I am gathering a few ladies in my home each week. The kids can play upstairs while me meet and study the Bible. Would you like to come?” Not only did she plug in, but she is now able to teach her children about the Lord from what she is learning.

4) Parking Lot Friend: A friend saw me dressed up the other day in the parking lot. I had come from a ministry luncheon, and she commented on my looking so fancy! I mentioned where I had been and that I regularly meet with women to help them spiritually. She said, “I need to meet with you; I need help.” I said, “I would love that! I have a small discipleship group starting in January that I would love to invite you to be a part of. In the meantime, we can get together to talk more—just you and me.”

My point in each of these examples is simple – the person for you to disciple is already in your life. You most likely already have a relationship with them on some level. Finding a person to disciple is a matter of prayer and keeping your antenna up. Pray each day, “Lord, please use my life to help others. Please cross my path with those who need Your love and guidance today. I want to be a tool in Your hand to love on others.” Then keep your eyes and ears open to His leading and step out in faith to invite others to learn and grow.

Once you do connect with a person to disciple, download my free e-book The Discipleship Starter Kit on my website, packed full of helpful resources and an 8-week calendar to keep your discipleship journey on track.

Lori Joiner is an author, speaker and discipleship coach in Katy, Texas. To invite her to speak at your next event and to browse her full list of Bible studies and resources, visit LoriJoinerMinistries.org. You can also find her podcast, Your Discipleship Coach, on Apple podcast and Spotify.

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Lori Joiner


Lori Joiner is an author, speaker and discipleship coach in Katy, Texas. To invite her to speak at your next event and to browse her full list of Bible studies and resources, visit LoriJoinerMinistries.org. You can also find her podcast, Your Discipleship Coach, on Apple podcast and Spotify.