A Message of Grace During a Time of Division of Race  

The political, cultural, and racial/ethnic polarization within the US and much of the world has deepened distrust, anger, hatred, fear, and division. Sadly, the church often fractures along similar lines as the world. At the central core of racism, we find the sinful hearts of men living in a fallen world. 

At the College of Biblical Studies, we seek to provide a message of unity and grace found only in a relationship with Christ. Through our ministry Grace Relations, we encourage “us and us” conversations rather than “them and us” conversations. Grace Relations pursues respectful conversations that lead to loving collaborations that result in personal and community change.  This is a biblical and refreshing approach. 

We believe that the 21st century could be the generation of reconciliation.

Although Grace Relations (God’s Reconciliation at Christ’s Expense) is a new initiative at CBS, biblical unity has been our passion from the beginning. CBS was established to not only serve a diverse student body, but to train our students to serve this ever-changing diverse world. Students love the diversity in the classroom. They tell us there is a powerful connection made sitting and learning with classmates from 17 to 70, all ethnicities, and all socio-economic backgrounds. Life-long relationships are formed between people whose lives are worlds apart, yet they are unified by a passion for the word of God. 

The College of Biblical Studies is building a culture where we see one another as Christians first. Our unity is not determined by the ballot box but rather the cross of Christ. We have been saved by the grace of God, based upon the death and resurrection of the Son of God, empowered by the Spirit of God, and guided by the word of God.   

We thank God for Christian schools that are shaping a generation of Christian leaders.  History is still being written! We believe that the 21st century could be the generation of reconciliation. 

If we could be of help to you, please contact us at corpcom@cbshouston.edu or 713-77-BIBLE. CBS offers workshops, consulting, and presentations to churches, schools, and businesses.

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Freedom ​is Not Free! Free Speech is essential to a functioning Republic. The assault on honest, Christian Journalism and Media has taken a devastating toll over the last two years. Many Christian media outlets have not survived.

It is through your Generosity and Support that we are able to promote Free Speech and Safeguard our Freedoms and Liberties throughout our Communities and the Nation. Without your donations, we cannot continue to publish articles written through a Biblical worldview.

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Dr. A. Charles Ware, D.D.


Dr. A. Charles Ware serves as executive director of Grace Relations and special assistant to the president at the College of Biblical Studies in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Ware is the founder of Grace Relations Network. He speaks in many venues and serves as a consultant on racial reconciliation and leadership. His ministry is well received by audiences of all ethnic groups. Dr. Ware has authored, co-authored, and edited several books. Among these is One Race One Blood (Master Books, 2007). Dr. Ware co-authored this book with Answers in Genesis founder and President Ken Ham.