And Nobody Showed Up- The Reason we are Losing the Prolife Battle

It was Martin Neimoller who in 1946, reflecting on how the rise of Nazism was directly due to the failure of most to act courageously said, “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

The modern-day equivalent is a comment from a longtime reporter at the Supreme Court who commented, wistfully, when asked if there were any believers that had been there in front of the Supreme Court to stand up for life, “you guys always lose because you never show up – the other side always wins because they always show up.” 

It could not be put more starkly. As most believers would be shocked to know that with a few occasional exceptions, even at this pivotal moment of the pro-life debate, there are only a tiny handful – two or three – sometimes just one – who face the Supreme Court to stand for life.

This is true in spite of the fact that there are multiple legacy pro-life organizations, placed literally across the street from the Supreme Court. Occasional exceptions are the legacy organizations who are not present, and the fight is amazingly left to a recently formed, leftist, progressive, pro-life organization called PAUU. A single, longtime Washington DC woman with her sign, to be the vanguard standing for life in front of the Supreme Court, almost daily.

When queried on the complete lack of their presence at the Supreme Court in the face of multiple thousands of abortionists daily, both at the Supreme Court and in front of Justices homes, the comment was twofold – first, “we believe the decision has already been made and there is no reason to be out there as we believe Roe vs. Wade will be overturned,” to the even more disconnected, “it is too dangerous for us to be there.”

Sadly, as hard as it is to believe, this is the reality of the daily stand for life in front of the Supreme Court, even at this critical juncture where Roe vs. Wade is being decided. Sadly, there is a very real possibility that the whole purpose of the leak of the discussion on Roe vs Wade was to mobilize opposition to threaten the justices personally, so that the preliminary decision advanced by Justice Alito will be overruled.

As Neimoller reflected on the rise of Nazism, and the longtime Supreme Court reporter commented, the near complete lack of believers standing for principle is the real reason that so many critical issues fall one by one. It is not caused by evil itself, which of course grows if unchecked by the Kingdom of God.

If Roe vs. Wade is not overturned, and instead a simple decision is made on some part of it, or if a rejection of it outright occurs, it will not be because of the massive, nationwide abortionist rallies. It won’t be because of the massive pressure on the Justices to switch their votes. It will directly be due to the failure of believers and particularly the legacy, historic “pro-life” organizations. A quick look at the Supreme Court any day will easily show that they have abandoned the front lines and joined the “Christian Swamp,” which is on par with the regular “Swamp.” These people have been doing it for so long that if Roe vs. Wade is miraculously overturned, they would no longer have a cause.

The stark reality is that if Roe vs. Wade is overturned, there will be multiple legacy organizations who will no longer be able to organize, fundraise and operate as they have for fifty years. As hard as it is to believe, this may very well be part of the reason for the near complete failure to have a daily pro-life presence, while they’re located just a short walk from their various headquarters in Washington DC.

There is still a limited window of time for believers to descend on the Supreme Court and to come to the Washington DC Prison, where precious believers are still in solitary confinement after a year and a half and stand for Christ and His Kingdom. Believers may contact to receive information. However, if the Church fails to mobilize, as Neimoller warned, the ramifications will be severe. 

In 2021, the following comment was leaked by the compromised Chief Justice Roberts, in response to the ruling on our beloved President Donald J. Trump’s stolen election: “If we rule on these, they will burn the country down and come after us.” This resulted in an unbelievable challenge; the stolen 2020 election was not fairly judged but rejected for “standing.” Compromised, fearful and shameful the court was.

There is a very strong possibility that Roe vs. Wade will not in fact be overturned. The blood will not be on the hands of the abortionists, but on the legacy Pro-life organizations and individual believers who don’t show up. This brings to light the very simple fact that if we refuse to be the “salt” of the earth, it will rot and it will be because of us, as believers, not on the worldly. For if we fail to stand up for freedom when our babies are at stake, we do not deserve that freedom.

You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”

 Matthew 5:13

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