Faith West Grad Enters Washington DC Mayoral Race

It’s a long way from Faith West Academy to Washington, DC, but Michael Christian Woods seems to have made the journey with aplomb. A 2016 graduate of Faith West, Woods, at 19 years old, is running for Mayor of DC.

Why would a 19-year-old college student run for a position that is admittedly gritty and riddled with challenges? Woods explained, “Everyone has a purpose in life. I believe my purpose is to serve as a role model for my peers and those younger than I who maybe are too afraid to express or lead their desires for change. Despite all of the possible criticism, I hope that others will find the courage to do so as well, to stand up and be the ones who lead the change they desire.”

Woods has worked hard to position himself for this important role. He spent his Faith West years earning straight A’s and creating an organization to bring together other high achievers. While in high school, he took classes through Harvard University and earned enough credit that he is already a second-semester junior at George Washington University. Despite his accomplishments, he is aware of the criticism he will face in the mayoral race. After all, what can someone so young bring to such an important position?

“Having someone young like myself who truly cares and wants to make a difference– bringing positive ideas and positive approaches — should be encouraged rather than scrutinized,” Woods said. “As Barack Obama said, ‘The future belongs to young people with an education and imagination to create it.’” I have acquired the education, exposure, and experience in prior leadership positions to prepare me to run for DC Mayor. I think it is time that younger people step up and seek leadership positions.“

Woods is campaigning on several platforms of special interest, including the affordable housing crisis, homelessness, equal business opportunities, and property tax solutions. Through his internship with the NAACP Washington, DC, branch and his current involvement with the George Washington University chapter of DC, he has been engaged in finding solutions to the problems plaguing not just the nation’s capital, but our entire nation.

January began Woods’ mayoral journey as he filed papers and began to collect the 2,000 signatures he needs from registered voters before he can begin his official run. For more information about his campaign or to become a supporter, visit

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Rebecca Becker

Rebecca has been a lifelong writer committed to telling stories that illuminate special people, places, and causes. She writes for local, regional, national, and international publications and is based in Houston. She’s been a lifelong Christian dedicated to bringing that perspective forth and keeping the Christian voice within the larger conversation.